I tend to realize something I needed to immediately realize after what needed to be done is already done. Doesn't really make sense, does it.

Friday, December 8, 2006

"7:48! Where are my PANTIES?!?!"

* raising hand *

I have a confession.

I am a terrible listener.


ESPECIALLY when I'm doing something or have something I want to do.

I have the terrible habit of listening to people with my eyes and my ears.

When somebody is telling me a story, I face them full-on, nod and actively participate in the conversation.

Problem is, after I start to get bored with what they're saying (I swear I got ADD 'cause I can't stay focused on something for more than 5 minutes - I'm a flipper during commercials to the point where I can't remember what I was watching in the first place.), in my mind I'm going, "Oh LAWD! I can't take much more. Okay, they're going to stop...talking... PLEASE STOP TALKING RIGHT NOW!! PLEASE!!! Okay, what can I say to make them stop... Oh, okay. They're going to stop...right... SOMEBODY SAVE ME! I CAN'T TAKE IT NO MO'!!!!"

I take it for as much as I can. I torture myself until my mind and ears simply cannot take it anymore.

At that point, painful as it may be for me to do, I abruptly break eye contact, turn myself away from the person and proceed to do what it was I was waiting for them to finish talking so I could do.

I feel like a bad person for having to take such measures.

But damnit, I can only listen to so much.

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