I tend to realize something I needed to immediately realize after what needed to be done is already done. Doesn't really make sense, does it.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Shame, I Know

I know, I know. I should be shame! (I'm country, so no "d" is necessary.) Shame of myself for not posting here in so long. I don't know what happened though!

Oh, yes I do. I 'member now. I started damn grad school. That bish harder than a muh! Well, maybe not so much "hard" as it is time consuming.

No Time + Something That Is Time Consuming = Kinda Hard

So yeah, that's what had happened: I started school. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, anyway.

So I try to comment on blogs when I have the chance to actually get on a computer. Most of my reading is done via Treo and that thing is not comment-friendly. At. all. So yeah, I wanted to be able to comment easily and also have something for folks to read when they click on my lil' id when (more than likely if) I comment.

So here I am. I call myself "Miss J" 'cause I just don't feel like makin' up some cute nickname. At the same time, I damn sho' ain't throwin' my gubmint out there.

Btw, I speak with a southern drawl so a lot of what I write will be written in that manner. It takes too much energy to use my school/work voice/writing, so I'ma leave that where it is. Here will be me, straight up. Period dot.

Additionally, I have no aim with this here blog. Just a place for my random thoughts/ideas/observations/isms/comments/feelings....what-the-hell-ever.

For right now, that's all folks. Ain't got much else to say.

'Cept welcome and see ya round, ya hear!

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