I tend to realize something I needed to immediately realize after what needed to be done is already done. Doesn't really make sense, does it.

Monday, November 20, 2006

"Torn and confused, wasted and used"

Poor, poor Mikey. Kra.mer never looked so pathetic.

Ya know, u just never really know folk.

And to think, I woke up this morning thinkin' 'bout how all the white folk are gonna be up-in-arms for real at the treatment of black folk after seeing that video for "The Saints Are Coming" by U.2 and Gre.en D.ay .

I forgot how to hyperlink and I don't feel like looking up the instructions right now.

Wait, hold on. I'ma do it 'cause that would just be uber-lazy not to.

'K, 'tis done.

But yeah, it is just truly amazing that we think society has come so far when all this stuff is really just boiling under the surface waiting for the opportunity to rear it's ugly head.

It really is a shame.

Personally, I am trying to stop saying, "White Boy" in terms of any white male whose name I do not know. That's gonna be my contribution to solving this epidemic.

Hey, it's something.

But anyway. It's cold outside. Mia.mi ain't meant to be cold! I'm sick of it already!

Guess that scraps that plan to move to NC one day, eh? Ehhhh.

I did have a thought sometime last week that I should just end my servitude at the plantation, sell all my meager belongings and go live in the hills of Jamaica...

A girl can dream.

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